Tuesday, April 28

Pandemic Preparedness Planning

Contributor: Lake Oswego Ward Emergency Prep Specialist

Regardless of what kind of outcome this flu has, from a preparedness standpoint - this is a great opportunity for us to think about what we'd do if it DID get crazy!

Since some people don't prepare for things unless the Church says so (I'm sure that's none of you :)) here's what the Church says!


So I want to hear what steps you and your family are taking to stay ahead of this game?


Where's the flu now? http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=p&msa=0&msid=106484775090296685271.0004681a37b713f6b5950&ll=32.639375

Pandemic Preparedness Planning

The following fact sheets provide information on how individuals, families, and health care workers can help prepare for a possible flu pandemic:
Note: The following links are not to official Church publications, but are provided as additional resource material. The Center for Disease Control Web site offers pandemic flu information for individuals and families. Brigham Young University—Idaho offers an online training video for the prevention of Avian flu.